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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sample atucara majlis perkahwinan

Hey dolls

ok since tak de idea  nak update, and i want to keep my memory of my wedding, so i letak kat sini my "aturcara" untuk panduan semua.... (cewah, macam ada je org nak buat panduan kan?)

Aturcara majlis perkahwinan Kalina & Budie (13.01.13)

10.00 am-10.30 am
Main hall @ Dewan Salahuddin, Taman Melati

Semua yang bertugas :-
  • Atiqah & Najah (guest book)
  • Aina & kwn dayana (candy buffet)
  • tba (sound system)
  • Syafiq – emcee
  • 2 org kawan syafiq
  • Amirul – photographer
  • Kwn kamarul – official photographer
11-12 pm
Pengantin bersiap @ dewan

Dewan Salahuddin, Taman Melati
Need to standby at the house
Make up artis – uncle bany
Photographer – Kamarul (0716=)
Pengapit – edy & fana (0173)

11.00 am
Registration kaunter siap untuk menyambut tetamu

Semua hall decoration sudah siap

Makanan from caterer sudah sampai

Depan pintu masuk dewan
Busu (012312=)
Senarai tugas ada bersama busu untuk siapa jaga kaunter dan Usher for VIPs

Busu (decorator) 012=

Seri saji caterer 012 - 295 5760 / 012 - 273 5381 / 019 - 321 7936 / 03 - 4107 9602

Mama (01=7)
 To inspect food quality, quantity and presentation.
Mama to inspect enough people to man the VIP tables and serving tables.

Projector, mic & sound system set up

Dalam dewan
Minta contact Encik  ?? for microphone, testing sound system etc

Syafiq (0176382145) – emcee
tba – pic for sound & projector

12.30 pm
1. Tetamu datang – minta register di kaunter untuk catat kehadiran, beri door gift dan terima hadiah dari tetamu (barang berharga/duit – beri kpd mama)

2. Song will be played based on the list.

3. slideshow will be showing picture of nikah & pre wedding

Depan pintu masuk dewan

Dalam Dewan (sound system)

Busu (0123)
Mama (012)
Baba (0193)

TBA - need to be alerts when to stop the music due to AZAN & when pengantin are coming to play kompang music

1.30 pm
Bunyi Kompang will be play
Flower girl will walk first

Pengantin & family side lelaki akan berjalan  untuk masuk dewan

Selawat  until pengantin sampai ke stage

Dewan legar
Need to play music kompang when pengantin arrived and walk into the hall

syafiq to greet guests and announce ketibaan pengantin, diapit oleh flower girls, keluarga pengantin lelaki.

Selawat bersama ustaz .....


1.45 pm
On stage:
Pengantin seated, pengapit stand next to pengantin.
Bacaan doa by Imam raja

Merenjis session

Selesai merenjis Pengantin bergerak ke meja makan, pengapit follow from behind, then go to VIP table to continue eating

Bacaan doa by Imam Raja

MC buat announcement to inform merenjis session

Cake ready in middle of stage when pengantin makan- attention to busu to remind caterer

Get ready for slide show

2.10 pm
Photographer to motion all on family members on long table to smile for photos

Slideshow need to be ready. It will start playing once pengantin tukar baju.

Once the slide show finished continue with the music play list.

On Stage

MC to announce potong kek session followed by bersalam with pengantin at the exit door

Slide show to be play during pengantin tukar baju

2.40 pm
Pengantin will be on stage to say thank you to all the family members.

Pengantin bergerak ke stage untuk potong kek

Music mengiringi pengantin naik stage

Potong kek

Pengantin akan buat ucapan thank you around 10 minutes

Photographer ready near stage
Play CD 1 song while potong kek
Pengantin turun stage, follow red carper to exit door, bersalam with guests for 15-20 minutes

 play CD background music
4 pm
Sesi bergambar
  1. keluarga pengantin lelaki
  2. keluarga pengantin perempuan
  3. friends

4.30 pm

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